
With Mississippi River receding emergency management officials asking public to report flood damage

According to local emergency management officials, as the flood waters from the Mississippi River begin to recede it is crucial that anyone experiencing damage from flooding through the state reporting system known as 211.

Property owners who may have incurred damages are encouraged to report these to their insurance company first. Remember to take pictures and keep documentation of your damages. A damage reporting line has been established with Great Rivers 211. Please report your damages to them by simply dialing 2-1-1 and following the prompts on your phone; they will pass the information along to Emergency Management.

As a reminder, reporting your damages to our to your local emergency management office does not guarantee funding assistance for repairs or cleanup, it does help those offices with situational awareness to see whether or not further assistance requests to the state need to be made. If you still have unmet needs, you may also reach out to the River 2 Ridge Disaster Resilience Group at

The following is a list of questions the 211 intake worker will ask:


Call Center Site

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number

Secondary Phone Number


Do we have permission to text and/or email you if resources or information become available?

Address (includes street address, city, county, state, and zip code)

Address Jurisdiction (City, Village, Town)

Mailing Address (if different)

Contact Type (for 2-1-1 coding)

How did they contact you? (call, online, text, chat, email, mail)

211 Call Type (Information and Referral, Information Only, Crisis, No Referral Given) – for 211 coding and to track information only calls

Call Notes

Age of person needing service

Gender of person needing service


Are you the owner of the damaged property? (yes, no)

If no, what is the name and phone number of the property owner?

Are you calling about your home or business? Or both? (Home, home & business, business (other than farming), farm, Other)

(1) Do you rent or own your home? (Own, Rent or Lease, Other)

(a) Own: Is your home conventional built or manufactured? (Conventional, Manufactured, N/A)

(b) Own: Is this your primary living residence? (Yes, No, Unselected)

(c) Own: Is this a single-family unit or multi-family (duplex/apartments etc.)

(2) Do you have insurance coverage? What type?

(a) Yes – Flooding insurance

(b) Yes – homeowners insurance

(c) Yes – rental insurance

(d) No

(e) Unsure or other

(3) Is this your primary living residence?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(4) Do you believe your home is safe?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(5) Can you reach the property to enter it?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(6) Is there a private road or bridge damaged on the property?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(7) Was there structural damage to the home?

(a) Wall Collapse

(b) Crack in foundation

(c) Moved off foundation

(d) Twisted/bent frame

(e) Other

What needs are you facing due to the disaster? (Notes box for answer)

Would you like us to share your information if volunteers become available to help with clean up?

Yes / No

What clean up help is needed?

• Options: Muck out, Mold remediation, Trees, Tarp, Debris, Deferred maintenance, Rebuild

Added to Crisis Clean Up (for 211 coding)


(1) Is, or was, there water inside the property?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Unknown (unable to access)

(2) Does the property have a basement?

(a) Yes

(i) Please describe your basement, option list of: crawlspace, full basement, finished, half finished, unfinished

(ii) How many inches of water were in the basement?

(b) No

(i) How many inches of water were on the first floor?

(3) Are any of your utilities damaged?

(a) Furnace

(b) Electrical panel

(c) Water heater

(d) Water service/well

(e) HVAC

(f) Sanitary Sewer/septic

(g) Other

(4) Has flood water overtopped the head of your private well? (yes, no)

(a) IF YES: Share following information:

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