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Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources seeking hunter safety educators

MADISON, Wis. – The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is seeking volunteers to promote safe, responsible and ethical hunting practices as hunter education instructors. Volunteer opportunities are available in all parts of the state.

Since the program’s creation in 1967, more than 20,000 volunteer instructors have trained and certified more than one million hunters across Wisconsin. These efforts have helped make hunting much safer, with a 95% decrease in hunting-related incidents since the program’s start. In addition to shaping the future of Wisconsin’s hunting tradition, becoming a volunteer instructor is a great way to obtain hands-on teaching experience, work closely with DNR staff and engage with your local community.

There are two ways to become a certified volunteer hunter education instructor. Interested volunteers can serve as apprentices under a sponsoring instructor for at least two complete courses or attend a certification training session hosted by a DNR Outdoor Skills Trainer.

Once certified, the DNR provides volunteer instructors with all the materials and equipment required to teach a hunter education course. Instructors must teach one class every three years to remain certified, although many teach more.

For more information on becoming a volunteer instructor, please contact the outdoor skills trainer in your area

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