Melinda Knutson - contributed photo

Viroqua Library and Vernon County Over 50 offering restoration planting program

VIROQUA, Wis. – The McIntosh Memorial Library in partnership with the Vernon County Over 50 Club are sponsoring a program titled “A Passion for Prairies: Preservation, Restoration, Planting” with Dr. Melinda Knutson. The program will be held in the library lobby on Wednesday, June 19 at 2:15pm in the library lobby.

Dr. Melinda Knutson will provide a tutorial on prairies and oak savannas in the Driftless Area, with tips on how to build your passion for prairies. Do you wonder why we care about prairies? Maybe you’d like to visit some rare and beautiful prairies, volunteer to help restore a remnant prairie, plant native flowers in your yard, or advocate for preserving natural areas in Wisconsin? If any of these things are on your wish list, this talk is for you!

Dr. Knutson is the owner of Trillium Consulting, LLC, a land management consulting business she started after retiring from her full-time career as a wildlife biologist and ecologist with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. She volunteers locally with the Prairie Enthusiasts, the Mississippi Valley Conservancy, the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of La Crosse, and the Concordia Ballroom. She loves to garden, bird-watch, hike, paddle, bike, and dance.  

For more information call Maggie Strittmater at 608-637-7151 x 7 or email at

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