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Vernon County Fire Chiefs issue outdoor burn warning

VERNON COUNTY, Wis. – On behalf of the Vernon County Fire Chiefs Association, it is not recommended to conduct any outdoor burning as very dry conditions exist. Vernon County is currently listed at “Moderate” fire danger by WI DNR. With the lack of snowfall, it has created dry conditions and fires that have occurred are spreading rapidly.

In the first 30 days of the year, Vernon County fire departments have responded to 8 brush/grass fires which is unheard of for January. Please remember that if you are going to do any burning you shall call the Vernon County Sheriff’s Office Dispatch Center at 608-637-2123 BEFORE burning. This is to ensure they are aware of the burning in case other calls come in. When you are done burning you should notify the dispatch center to let them know your burning is complete so they can take it off their list.

Please be mindful of the weather conditions on the day you plan to burn.
Vernon County Burn Ordinance:

For more information go to: WisBurn

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