Kristina Reser-Jaynes (right) with her mother

The Other Door “Motivational Monday” this week is “Amaryllis Rescue with Kristina Reser-Jaynes”

VIROQUA, Wis. – The Other Door in Viroqua inviting the public for their Motivational Monday program “Amaryllis Rescue with Kristina Reser-Jaynes” to learn how supporting flowers can help you support yourself. Kristina, a long-time resident of Vernon County, has operated an amaryllis rescue for more than six years.

“My amaryllis rescue is a goofy little thing I stumbled upon and it has brought so much joy to myself and so many others,” said Reser-Jaynes. “My mother always loved amaryllis bulbs and my rescue is something I do in her honor. I hope to share the amaryllis with guests at The Other Door and to inspire guests to explore their own journey toward health and beauty”

Amaryllis rescued from a local store by Kristina Reser-Jaynes – contributed photo

Reser-Jaynes said the idea for the program came from her own experience.

“This all started when I was at one of the big box stores after Christmas,” said Reser-Jaynes. “I noticed the amaryllis bulbs that had not been purchased had started to push their way out of their boxes. Instead of being green, they were almost white and twisting desperately to free themselves. I took them home and provided them with care. Within days they had straightened up and were turning a deep green color. I gifted them to people who I knew were dealing with issues, like those confined to their homes due to illness or struggling with sickness or grief. The amaryllis is an amazing plant to watch grow as it transitions daily. This is especially significant to people who are isolated for one reason or another. Out of that uncared-for bulb comes the crazy awkward stem and then suddenly the most beautiful flowers.”

Motivation Monday will take place Monday, April 8, from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at The Other Door, 1321 North Main Street, Viroqua, Wis..

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