
State Representative Oldenburg legislative update

June 20th, 2023

MADISON, Wis. – As the budget cycle comes to a close, I have been working to fund not only my legislation but various other budget items. My budget motions for the Proactive Disaster Grant bill, the Youth Apprenticeship Program, and the Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) grant program have all recently been voted on and funded by the Joint Finance Committee.

On May 23rd, the Joint Committee on Finance held an executive session on budget items in the Department of Workforce Development. The Youth Apprenticeship Program is administered and funded through this department. I worked alongside Representative Petryk from Assembly District 93 to ensure that the program’s resources were not stretched thin amongst students. The Joint Finance Committee voted to provide $3 million dollars in funding in 2024 and $4 million in funding in 2025. I am excited for more students in Wisconsin to have the opportunity to receive on the job training in fields such as agriculture, healthcare, and transportation.

On June 8th, the Joint Finance Committee held an executive session on budget items in the Department of Safety and Professional Services. The POWTS grant program is funded through this department, and provides financial assistance to low to moderate income families whose POWTS system needs replacing or repairing. The Joint Finance Committee voted to extend the program’s sunset date and provide $1.68 million dollars in funding in 2023-24. Two full time positions were also added to the program to help reduce backlogs. The POWTS program is a vital resource for keeping low income homes and small commercial establishments clean and safe.

Finally, last Thursday the Joint Finance Committee held an executive session on budget items in the Department of Military Affairs. My Proactive Disaster Grant bill, Assembly Bill 222, requires this department to administer the program’s assessment and implementation grants. I am pleased to share that the Joint Finance Committee voted to provide $2 million dollars in funding for the program in 2023-24. After the historic flooding in the Mississippi River this year, this funding could not come at a better time. I am ready to start finding innovative ways to solve flooding instead of forcing communities to build around it year after year.

Thank you to everyone who worked with me on these budget proposals and to my constituents who have reached out in support of AB 222. I am looking forward to having more time to be in the district this summer and interact with all of you! As always, please continue to reach out to my office with any questions or concerns at or at (608) 237-9196.

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