
State Representative Loren Oldenburg legislative update

Editorial Column by Representative Loren Oldenburg (R-Viroqua)

MADISON, Wis. – Wisconsin is among the highest rated states for health care quality, and the 2023-2025 state budget ensures it will stay this way. Over $3 billion dollars in new money was provided through the Department of Health Service’s budget, this money will be going towards funding increases in supplemental aid, increases to long-term care services, and increases in reimbursement rates for Medicaid.

I am excited by these investments into our communities and healthcare systems.
Supplemental aid has been increased in multiple areas in this year’s budget. Rural critical care
access hospital payments will see an additional $11.6 million dollars in supplemental aid. $1.8
million dollars will be used to support the establishment or expansion of residency programs at
hospitals. Supplemental aid for disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments will also be
increased by $124 million dollars.

Reimbursement rates for Medicaid have been increased for various service areas, including:
primary care providers, chiropractors, and physicians working in emergency departments.
Primary care provider reimbursement rates will see a $132 million dollar increase. Rate parity
for chiropractors has been increased by $1.8 million dollars. Finally, $15.4 million dollars will be
used to raise emergency department physician rates.

Long-term care received $492 million dollars in funding in this state budget. Of this total
amount, $38.4 million dollars will be allocated to raising wages for the direct care workforce
who help those enrolled in Family Care. $225 million dollars will be used to continue the 5%
home and community based services rate increase in this biennium. Lastly, $31.2 million dollars
of long-term care funding will go towards nursing home incentive payments.

I will continue to break down various aspects of the 2023-2025 Wisconsin state budget so
everyone in the 96th stays informed. As always, please feel free to reach out to my office with
any further questions regarding the budget at or at (608)

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