09/17 One white, brown, and black cow was in the roadway on County Road D, town of Webster. A deputy located the cow and made contact with the owner. The deputy assisted the owner with getting the cow back into the pasture.
09/18 The sheriff’s office was notified by a passerby of a horse that was hit by a vehicle. A deputy responded and was able to locate the owner. The horse was returned home. The status of the horse is unknown.
09/20 Gary Bendel, Coon Valley, struck a deer while traveling westbound on US Highway 14, town of Christiana. Bendel did not report any injuries. The vehicle received functional damage and was not towed.
09/21 The sheriff’s office received a call of a trespasser on private property near Sidie Hollow Park, town of Franklin. A deputy responded and located the subject. He received a citation for trespassing.

09/22 A deputy responded to a call about a domestic incident on County Road K, town of Bergen. The deputy separated the parties, and charges will be referred to the Vernon County District Attorney’s Office.
09/23 Some citizens lost their vehicle keys while fishing along Weister Creek Road, town of Stark. A deputy responded and took the citizens to look for the keys. The keys were not located, so the deputy
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