
Nonpartisan Redistricting Legislation

Editorial Column by Representative Loren Oldenburg (R-Viroqua)

Editors note: There is some question over whether the Wisconsin redistricting bill follows the Iowa model. Although there are some similarities, recent comments from Iowa officials call into question the use of the use of the label “Iowa” model. Iowa State Auditor Rob Sand said, “This is not the Iowa model. It’s also just impossible to expect Iowa-style fair results when you still have the capacity to gerrymander at the end of the day, which is what this bill allows for. They can reject, and reject, and draw their own. You can’t do that in Iowa. That’s why the Iowa system works. If they have pulled that out then you do not have the Iowa system in this bill.” You can read more about the the issue on the Wisconsin Law Journal here.

Last week, I introduced legislation which would establish a nonpartisan method of redistricting
in Wisconsin. This legislation, Assembly Bill 415, is modeled after Iowa’s system. In 1980 the
Iowa legislature gave the Legislative Service Agency, the nonpartisan bill drafting agency of the
General Assembly, the primary responsibility for drawing proposed redistricting maps subject to
legislative and gubernatorial approval. Since its introduction the Iowa model has had 43
successful years of nonpartisan redistricting, with zero lawsuits charging partisan
gerrymandering or Voting Rights Acts violations.

Under Assembly Bill 415, the Legislature would appoint four members to an advisory
commission, with these appointees choosing their fifth member. Commission members may not
abstain from any votes taken, and voting cannot take place unless all five members are present.
The Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) would assist the commission in their operations and
help them appoint a person with expertise on the Voting Rights Act (VRA), to provide guidance
to the commission regarding VRA compliance. The advisory commission would be responsible
for holding eight public hearings across the state, with at least one in Milwaukee, to hear input
from Wisconsin residents. The commission would then submit this information and testimony to
the LRB. Political or election data would be illegal for the LRB to use in any capacity, same as
in the Iowa model.

LRB must then have a first proposal drawn and submitted to the legislature by January 1st following the decennial census. Once this plan is introduced, LRB must make the drafts available
to the public. The Legislature then has seven days to look over the proposal and approve it. If either chamber does not approve of this proposal, the chamber must submit to LRB why they did not approve of the map proposal. LRB will have 21 days to use this information to offer up a second proposal. This process repeats until a proposal is adopted. All proposals must pass with
bipartisan support. If any plan is approved and vetoed by the governor, the governor has the
ability to suggest changes as the legislature does.

I have always supported nonpartisan redistricting and am excited to see where this legislation
goes. Over the past five redistricting cycles Iowa has approved a proposal that was offered by the
LSA, and I am hopeful that Wisconsin can achieve this with the adoption of Assembly Bill 415.
The Assembly, on a bipartisan vote, voted in favor of this legislation on Thursday, September

14th 64-32. This legislation is now heading to the Senate for consideration. I encourage my
constituents to reach out to my office with further questions Please feel free to contact me at or at (608) 237-9196

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