
Local heath officials offer safety tips for those dealing with flood water

Prairie du Chien, Wis. – Crawford County Health would like to remind residents of important safety tips during and after the flood. Avoiding flooding areas, ensuring you have safe water, and cleaning up safely are important steps to keep in mind.

Stay out of flood waters if possible. Flood water may contain many contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, hazardous waters, debris, and sharp objects. Half of all flood related drowning occur when a vehicle is driven into flood waters. It is important to not go into flood water to salvage personal items unless the water has receded and authorities have declared the area safe.

The Health Department recommends that anyone who has or will work in flood water be vaccinated for Tetanus within the last ten years. If an injury occurs while working in flood water and the last Tetanus vaccination was over 5 years ago, it is recommended to receive a Tetanus booster at that time. Reach out to your medical provider or Crawford County Health to check your record and receive your vaccination if needed.

Once flood water has subsided ensure you have safe drinking water. For those with municipal water, follow any directions given by your municipality regarding water usage. Private well owners should determine if their well has been affected by the flood and if so, assume the well is contaminated. Signs a well may be affected by a flood include:

· Floodwater came into contact or run over the top of the well,

· You notice changes in taste, smell, or color of water, or

· You have a shallow well and live near areas that have been flooded.

Do not drink or bathe in water from a private well that has been or is flooded. We recommend that a private well be disinfected and then tested before consuming the water. Steps for disinfecting your private well can be found at state health department website or by calling our office at 608-326-0229. Free water test kits are available at the health department for Crawford County residents impacted by flood waters.

Lastly, cleaning and sanitizing your household with bleach after flooding is important to help prevent the spread of illness and disease. Wet carpet, furniture and building materials create suitable environments for mold growth. These materials must be removed or completely dried out to prevent mold from growing.

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