
Gov. Evers Takes Action on 17 Bills

MADISON — In addition to signing Assembly Bill 233, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 26, this morning in New Glarus, Gov. Tony Evers today took action on an additional 17 bills.

The governor signed:

Senate Bill 7, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 27:

Replaces current law references to "epinephrine auto-injectors and prefilled syringes" with "epinephrine delivery system"; and 
Defines "epinephrine delivery system" as a device that is approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration, that contains a premeasured dose of epinephrine, and that is used to administer epinephrine into the human body to prevent or treat a life-threatening allergic reaction.  

Senate Bill 66, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 28:

Adjusts the maximum number of days a seasonal farm service industry employee can hold a restricted commercial driver's license to 210 days in both statute and corresponding administrative rule to match current federal rules.  

Senate Bill 101, now Wisconsin Act 29:

Increases the penalty for first-degree reckless homicide involving drugs from a Class C felony to a Class B felony.  

Senate Bill 157, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 30:

Creates an appropriation to make payments from the ambulance service provider trust fund to eligible ambulance service providers as specified under 2021 Wisconsin Act 228; and 
Requires the Wisconsin Department of Health Services to transfer moneys annually from the ambulance service provider trust fund to cover the administrative costs associated with administering the ambulance assessment and supplemental reimbursements to ambulance providers.  

Assembly Bill 47, now Wisconsin Act 31:

Expands the definition of victim to include any member of the victim's family who was younger than 18 years of age at the time of the crime but is now 18 years of age or older, allowing those individuals to register to be notified when their offender applies for parole or is released on parole or extended supervision; 
Specifies that notices of an individual's parole application must be sent at least 90 days before a parole interview or hearing; and 
Requires specific information about the actions of the Parole Commission to be posted on the Wisconsin Department of Corrections website, such as any guidance documents that the Parole Commission uses when making parole decisions and monthly and annual totals of the number of persons granted parole, denied parole, and returned to prison

“Ensuring transparency, accountability, and appropriate support and notification for victims, survivors, and their families is absolutely vital to the success of the Parole Commission and of our criminal justice system as a whole,” said Gov. Evers. “Parole Commission Chair Erpenbach and I share the same goals of supporting survivors and keeping dangerous individuals off our streets while also ensuring we have a functioning, efficient parole system as required by law. This bill supports both of these important goals.”

Assembly Bill 131, now Wisconsin Act 32:

Removes the requirement to appoint a county Farm Service Agency  committee member to a county land conservation committee and replaces it with a requirement to appoint a person who is engaged in an agricultural use; and  
Defines "agricultural use" as crop or forage production; keeping livestock; beekeeping; nursery, sod, or Christmas tree production; floriculture; aquaculture; fur farming; and forest management.   

Assembly Bill 203, now 2023 Wisconsin Act 33:

Clarifies the meaning of "be renewed" in current statutory language by replacing the statutory reference with "submit a complete renewal application" for certain business and health credentials issued by the Department of Safety and Professional Services;  
Specifies that a renewal application is considered complete for renewal purposes only when the credential holder has submitted the required fee and all forms and other documentation required for credential renewal; and  
Clarifies that a credential holder who has submitted a complete renewal application is also considered to have made a timely and sufficient application for the renewal under the statute that delays expiration of a credential until the opportunity for review of a denial expires or is otherwise resolved. 

In addition to signing the above bills, Gov. Evers vetoed 10 bills. The governor’s veto messages are available below.

Veto message for Senate Bill 49

Veto message for Assembly Bill 141

Veto message for Assembly Bill 142

Veto message for Assembly Bill 147

Veto message for Assembly Bill 149

Veto message for Assembly Bill 150

Veto message for Assembly Bill 151

Veto message for Assembly Bill 152

Veto message for Assembly Bill 200

Veto message for Assembly Bill 201

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