Pictured making a $2,154 donation to the Living Faith Food Pantry are several Lion members (and a Lionette), most who volunteer several hours each week at the Food Pantry and have worked for many years at the Pantry. First row from left to right are Lionette Marlene Sordahl, Lion’s District Governor Elect Wayne Sherry, Lion Marilyn Kile, and the Living Faith Food Pantry Manager Becki Rider. Second row left to right, Viroqua Lions President James Fuller, and Lions Dan Crowley, Al Petersen, Roger Hanson, Past President Lion Roger Call, and Golf Tourney Chair Lion Steve Hill.

Five area Lions Clubs raise and donate nearly $11,000 to La Crosse Area Children’s Miracle Network and two local food pantries

VIROQUA, Wis. – Five Lions Clubs in our area including Coon Valley, Viroqua, St. Joseph Ridge, Cashton, and Westby clubs recently sponsored their 17th annual Lions Golf Tournament at the Viroqua Hills Golf Course. Together the five clubs raised money to donate to the La Crosse Area Children’s Miracle Network and two local food pantries.

Pictured making a $6,678 donation from the Lions golf tournament to the Children’s Miracle Network are from left to right, Lion members Steve Hill, Brian Rude, and Marilyn Kile; Lion’s District Governor Elect Wayne Sherry, Lion Michael Stephen, Children’s Miracle Network Specialist Abby Ryan; and Lions Dan Crowley and Al Petersen – Contributed photo

The clubs donated a total of $10,986 to important community needs. Over 70 area businesses joined as hole sponsors and door prize donators, and 84 area golfers enjoyed a fundraising day on the course, all raising a record $10,016 at the golf tournament for the one-day event. $6,678 was donated to the Children’s Miracle Network with the remaining funds split equally between the Living Faith Food Pantry in Viroqua and Bethel Butikk in Westby. An additional donation of $970 to the two food pantries gave each pantry a total donation of $2,154.

Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a service of the Gundersen Medical Foundation, is dedicated to saving and improving the lives of children. They directly assist children and their families and support pediatric programs and services that help kids battle diseases and injuries of every kind. In Gundersen’s Southwestern Wisconsin service area, Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals has raised more than $22.3 million since 1986. Each charitable donation—whether through special events, annual gifts, business partnerships, sponsorships or planned giving such as bequests—benefits children in this region and provides support for specialty medical care, research and preventive education.

Pictured making a donation to Bethel Butikk for $2,154 from left to right are Lion’s District Governor Elect Wayne Sherry, Bethel Foundation and Marketing Director Courtney Havel, Bethel Home and Services employee and Bethel Butikk volunteer Debra Tewalt, and Lions Michael Stephen, Marilyn Kile, and Steve Hill – Contributed photo

The two local food pantries, along with several other area programs, provide assistance for people with food insecurities. Given the high degree of need in our area, these pantries are providing an invaluable service to families in our local communities.

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