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Driftless Humane Society launches fundraising campaign and lands donation

VIROQUA, Wis. – Driftless Humane Society (DHS) launches the 2024 Enhancing Care and Community project to improve the well-being of animals in their care. DHS is a non-profit, no-kill animal shelter that serves the greater Vernon County area by finding forever homes for homeless, stray, and surrendered dogs and cats. Their 2024 project entails remodeling an underutilized bathroom at the shelter to create a space for veterinary care and animal bathing. The fundraising goal is $17,000 to complete this project.

Space limitations within the shelter have led to insufficient shared-use rooms where vet care and bathing of healthy animals are performed in isolation rooms that are intended to care for sick, injured, or frightened animals. To benefit the physical and mental health of the animals, the planned remodel will create separated spaces for optimal care.

The primary use of the remodeled space is a room for veterinary care. Presently, any in-house medical care takes place in the isolation room or directly within the kennel of an animal. The new room will be a safe, secure place that allows adequate space for veterinary care which will reduce the stress for animals receiving care.

The space will also provide adequate space for animal bathing and allow volunteers to take part in these duties. Currently, volunteers are not allowed in the isolation rooms for health and safety reasons.

Future plans for this new space also include offering low-cost vaccination and microchip clinics to the community. The goal is to increase the health and well-being of animals that otherwise may not be able to receive necessary immunizations due to financial hardship.

GFL, formerly Southwest Sanitation in Viroqua, has made a $5,000 donation to the Enhancing Care and Community fundraising through their Full Circle Project. The goal of this project is to support local, high-impact charities that make a difference within the community.

“It encompasses building relationships with the organizations that shape where we live and work,” said William Meeks, General Manager. A key component of the Full Circle Project is that GFL employees proudly volunteer their time regularly to extend support beyond a monetary donation.

“This generous donation is a great start to our fundraising efforts and gets us that much closer to making life a little better for all the dogs and cats that need our care,” said Emily Rozeske, Executive Director of DHS.

A generous individual donor has offered a $3,000 match for all donations up to that amount made by July 31, 2024. Donations can be made online at or mailed to Driftless Humane Society at 1150 Nelson Parkway, Viroqua, WI 54665.

The Driftless Humane Society is a no-kill, non-profit shelter located in Viroqua, WI. Their mission is to engage the hearts, hands, and minds of our community by bringing positive change to the lives of people and animals. DHS is dedicated to operating an animal shelter for the purpose of finding a quality forever home for each animal we serve, encouraging a community of responsible companion animal guardians, eliminating the community’s need to euthanize dogs and cats as a means of population control, and promoting a society where companion animals are more valued.

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