
Public input sessions to gather feedback on county comprehensive plan begin this week

VERNON COUNTY, Wis. – As we have reported before Vernon County is in the process of developing a comprehensive plan. The county has contracted with the Mississippi River Regional Panning Commission to develop the plan over the next year and a half. The county began developing the plan when they began discussions about developing countywide zoning, but in order for the county to develop a zoning plan they are required to have a comprehensive plan in place first.

You can read our previous articles regrading the county meetings and discussions on the issue here.

The General Government Committee approved the creation of Comprehensive Planning Committee on December 15 of 2023. The committee consists of four county board members and three members from the public with the County Zoning Director Matt Albright, County Conservationist Ben Wojahn, and the County Land Information Officer Monique Hassman to serve as advisory staff. Each committee member will serve a two year term but the goal is develop a new comprehensive plan over the six months to a year.

Vernon County Board of Supervisors Chair Lorn Goede appointed the committee members which are County Board of Supervisor Representatives: Charlie Jacobson (Chair), Sandy Schweiger, Kay Stanek, Ole Yttri. Community Representatives: Pete Strachan, Mary Stanek and George Wilbur

The goal is for the committee to develop a countywide zoning ordinance once the comprehensive plan is completed and passed by the county board. As required by state law, the development of a plan also requires a public input plan. That public input plan was approved by the General Government Committee.

Jack Zabrowski from the Mississippi River Regional Planning Commission explained the process of developing a plan to the newly formed committee. In Wisconsin, there are nine elements to a comprehensive plan.

  • Issues and Opportunities
  • Housing
  • Transportation
  • Utilities and Community Facilities
  • Agricultural, Natural and Cultural Resources
  • Economic Development
  • Intergovernmental Cooperation
  • Land Use
  • Implementation

The Vernon County Planning Commission will host several Community Input Sessions over the next several weeks. These sessions will feature an informational presentation about the goals and objectives the Planning Commission has developed based on current policy and existing conditions within Vernon County. Immediately following each presentation will be a public comment period for citizens to give their input on what they would like to see included as part of the goals of the County. A draft copy of the goals and objectives can be found on the Vernon County website,

There will be two outreach sessions for each location on the day of the event. The community
input session dates, times and locations are as follows:

August 13th
Hillsboro Fireman’s Community Center, 203 Mill St., Hillsboro
Afternoon Session – 1 p.m. Evening Session – 6 p.m.

August 14
Readstown Advancement Building, 208 Center St., Readstown
Afternoon Session -2 p.m. Evening Session – 6 p.m.

August 22
Westby School Preforming Arts Center, 206 West Ave, Westby-
Afternoon Session – 2 p.m. Evening Session – 6 p.m.

September 4
Wheatland Town Hall, E2177 WI-82, Desoto
Afternoon Session – 2 p.m. Evening Session – 6 p.m

For more information, please contact Matt Albright at 608-637-5270, or by email at

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