August 15, 2024
Madison, Wis. – The Governor’s Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction at the Wisconsin State Fair celebrated its 32nd year by raising a record-setting $130,000. Proceeds from the auction benefit the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, which supports Wisconsin 4-H activities including 4-H conferences, teaching materials and workshops, and overall development of 4-H youth.
“Enthusiastic 4-H supporters made for an exciting evening,” said Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Executive Director Brenda Scheider. “Seeing our 4-H youth and adult volunteers working next to our generous donors really brings home what 4-H is all about.”
Wisconsin DATCP Secretary Randy Romanski kicked off the sale by encouraging the audience to bid high and bid often. Hostess Nicole Barlass of Sheboygan Falls, a former Alice in Dairyland and 4-H alumna, introduced outstanding 4-H members and special guests before she, along with Auctioneer Bob Johnson of Milton, sold 26 award-winning meat products. Johnson, a long-time 4-H supporter, has been the auctioneer and cheerleader for the sale for more than 30 years.

Wisconsin State Fair Chairman of the Board John Yingling and Wisconsin 4-H Foundation Board President Charlie Crave, along with the family of Dennis Buege, presented the 2024 Dennis Buege Best of Show Award to RJ’s Meats of Hudson. RJ’s Meats earned the honor for its entry in the bone-in ham division. A new record was set for the auction when it sold to a consortium of Johnsonville Sausage, Badger State Auction, Bill Thompson, Merwin Farms, Adams Farms, Wilson Farm Meats and Cathy Buege for $25,000.
A Wisconsin Specialty Package featuring local Wisconsin cheese, sausage, wine and bourbon was purchased by Rich and Evelyn Rathke of Sandwood Hill Farm for $2,600. The Guest Auctioneer selling this specialty item was 11-year Ozaukee County 4-H member Tim Gierach, who learned to call through a county 4-H program.
Becky Merwin of Merwin Farms, a dedicated supporter of the auction and our 4-H youth, broke a record when she purchased the honorable mention specialty cured meat product, “Super Bacon,” created by Wilson Farm Meats of Elkhorn for $5,500.
Another high-selling item was the champion bacon created by Lodi Sausage Company of Lodi that sold for $5,000 to UW Provision Company.
The auction is produced in partnership with the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors (WAMP). The event wassponsored by WAMP, Egg Innovations and The Hull Farm of Lake Geneva, all long-time supporters of the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction and the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation.
The Grand Champion, Reserve Champion and Honorable Mention winners and their buyers were:
Grand Champion from Lodi Sausage Company, Lodi
Buyer: UW Provision Company for $5,000
Reserve Champion from RJ’s Meats, Hudson
Buyer: Rural Mutual Insurance for $3,500
Honorable Mention from West Bend Sausage Plus, West Bend
Buyer: Crane Farms for $2,300
Honorable Mention from Gehring’s Meat Market, Hartford
Buyer: Hartmann Sand and Gravel for $3,000
Grand Champion from RJ’s Meats, Hudson
Buyer: Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps for $4,100
Reserve Champion from Block and Cleaver Artisan Meats, Siren
Buyer: Johnsonville Sausage for $2,750
Honorable Mention from Mr. B’s Smokehouse Meats, Hillsboro
Buyer: Daluge Travel for $2,250
Honorable Mention from Lake Geneva Country Meats, Lake Geneva
Buyer: The Hull Farm of Lake Geneva for $3,000
WAMP RW Bray Award of Excellence from Weber’s Processing Plant, Cuba City
Buyer: Rural Mutual Insurance for $2,100
Grand Champion from Geiss Meat Service, Merrill
Buyer: Wisconsin Farm Bureau for $3,200
Reserve Champion from Organic Prairie, LaFarge
Buyer: Major Goolsby’s for $1,400
Honorable Mention from Mr. B’s Smokehouse Meats, Hillsboro
Buyer: UW Provision Company for $1,750
Honorable Mention from Salmon’s Meat Products, Luxemburg
Buyer: Gibbsville Implement for $1,900
WAMP Dr. Buege Award of Excellence from Leroy Meats and Catering, Horicon
Buyer: UW Provision Company for $2,500
Grand Champion from RJ’s Meats, Hudson
Buyer: Ultimate Confections for $1,700
Reserve Champion from Block and Cleaver Artisan Meats, Siren
Buyer: Sunnyside Hatchery for $1,500
Honorable Mention from Lake Geneva Country Meats, Lake Geneva
Buyer: The Hull Farm of Lake Geneva $3,000
Honorable Mention from Gehring’s Meat Market, Hartford
Buyer: Hartmann Sand and Gravel for $3,000
Grand Champion from Block and Cleaver Artisan Meats, Siren
Buyer: Crave Brothers for $2,750
Reserve Champion from Louie’s Finer Meats, Cumberland
Buyer: UW Provision Company for $2,700
Honorable Mention from Falls Meat Service, Pigeon Falls
Buyer: Daluge Travel for $2,100
Honorable Mention from The Meat Block, Greenville
Buyer: Crane Farms for $2,100
Grand Champion from Mr. B’s Smokehouse Meats, Hillsboro
Buyer: Crave Brothers for $2,400
Reserve Champion from Geiss Meat Service, Merrill
Buyer: Wisconsin Souvenir Milkcaps for $1,900
Honorable Mention from Roskom Meats, Kaukauna
Buyer: Johnsonville Sausage for $2,300
Honorable Mention from Wilson Farm Meats, Elkhorn
Buyer: Merwin Farms for $5,500 (New record!)
Buyer: Evelyn and Rich Rathke of Sandwood Hill Farm for $2,600
RJ’s Meats, Hudson (Bone-In Ham)
Buyer Consortium: Johnsonville Sausage, Badger State Auction, Bill Thompson, Merwin Farms, Adams Farms, Wilson Farm Meats, and Cathy Buege for $25,000. (New Record!)
The Wisconsin 4-H Foundation, based in Madison, provides essential funding for 4-H programs throughout Wisconsin. By partnering with individuals, corporations and foundations, the Foundation supports more than 150,000 youth who take part in various 4-H leadership, developments, and community-building activities throughout the state. Learn more about the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation by visiting
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