
Applications for $10,000 municipal grants through Vernon County open until Oct. 15

The Vernon County Board of Supervisors and Staff are pleased to release the 2024 Community Development Grant to help local communities implement projects that will strengthen economic growth and resiliency. This year, Vernon County is investing $150,000 to support this program, made possible by contributed funds from the Ho-Chunk Nation. There will be two application periods in 2024. In Round 1, the Vernon County Economic Development Committee awarded thirteen applicants with grant funding to help complete their community impact projects. There is $56,000 available for Round 2 and the application period will open on August 1, 2024, with a deadline of October 15, 2024.

Municipal governments located in Vernon County, WI (3 cities, 9 villages, and 21 townships) are eligible to apply. Non-profits, businesses, individuals, schools, etc. are not eligible applicants, but may partner with a municipal government to apply for funding (contact the Community Development Dept for further information on this type of partnership).

Some examples of eligible projects include updates to a trail system, build a splash pad at local park, website creation or updates, wayfinding signage, upgrade street lighting, upgrade weather warning system, grant match, and more.

Personnel/administration costs, requests to pay off existing debt, expenses that have already been invoiced/paid, and any other expenses determined ineligible by the Vernon County Economic Development Committee.

Applicants can request a grant of up to $10,000. Limit of one application per municipal government. Grant funds will be disbursed on a reimbursement model (submit paid invoices and proof of payment for county reimbursement).

A 1:1 cash match is required. For example, if a municipal government is awarded $10,000, then a $10,000 cash match is required. Funds from other grants may be used as match. In-kind match is not accepted but should be included and described in the budget narrative of the grant application. A signed resolution or commitment letter must be included with your application for your project to be considered. The resolution or letter should outline the source of the cash match and be signed by your authorized representative.

Applications are due October 15, 2024. Applications are reviewed by the Vernon County Economic Development Committee. Grant awards will be released by November 30, 2024.

Applications will be evaluated based on the following:

Community Impact and Economic Growth and/or Resiliency: The application clearly defines how the project will meet a need in your community and help strengthen economic growth and resiliency.

Budget: Total project expenses are allowable, reasonable, and available/secured in your annual budget.

Match: Required cash matching funds are secured and available throughout the project implementation.

Project Timeline: The project timeline is realistic and achievable by the deadline of November 15, 2025.

Overall Project Proposal: The applicant included measurable project goals/outcomes, demonstrated a need for this grant funding, and submitted and innovative project idea.

This is the second application period for 2024. All municipal governments in Vernon County are eligible to apply, but priority will be given to those who did not receive a grant award in the first application period, which closed in April. Round 1 grant recipients may apply in Round 2, but the application must be for a different project.


Grantees will be expected to complete the project by November 15, 2025, and to provide an impact report within 30 days of project completion. The impact report will include 2-3 photos of the completed project and a short summary of how the project has or will impact the economic growth and resiliency of the community.

Contact Amy Oliver, Vernon County Community Development Director, at 608-637-5379 or

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